Dear Working Mama

Dear Working Mama,

You are balancing a lot, and the pressure to get it all done can feel insurmountable. It may seem that all the other mamas out there are getting  it all done and still managing to look put together. I can’t speak for everyone else, but looks can be deceiving. I’ve said it before, but the to do list is never quite done and something has to give. Over time I have learned that there are two important things that help me get through it all and maintain my sanity.

The first thing I need more than anything is waking up before my family. As much as I’d love to sleep in or stay in bed reading, it’s not what helps me get my day going smoothly. Ideally I should wake up 30 to 60 minutes before my family, and most days it’s unfortunately closer to 30. Having that time to myself to get ready without my daughter pulling on me or “helping” me get ready is almost magical. It’s a great feeling to be ready for the day before my husband or daughter begin to stir. Any curves that may come my way are now much easier to dodge.

Next and most important thing I need is grace. Grace that I give myself and above all the grace of God. Each and every day I can be so hard on myself, but I remind myself that I’m loved and forgiven. This reminder is easier to find when I take time to read scripture and pray to start my day. It’s really easy to not make time for God, but when I do my day goes SO MUCH SMOOTHER. Lately, I even spend this quiet time win God before doing my make-up. I know that sounds crazy, but that time has become crucial for me.
What makes your day go by smoother may be different, but these two things have been game changers for me. You might not be able to do it all, but take time to figure out what will sustain you through what you can get done. I hope that no matter what you do give yourself grace.


A mama paddling along next to you


This post is part of a blog hop from Blogs & Business. Check out some of the other awesome blogs participating:

The Art of Better | Being Mrs. Beer | Women Winning Online | Mommy My Way | xo -Ava | Kori at Home | Ma Bell Vie | Stellar Mama The Jessie K | Make & Do Crew | This Kenyan Traveler | Blue Eyed Babies | HebrewDawn | Leah With Love | Fighting for Fitness | Tot Tot Goose | Nurture Her Nature | Blogihealth | A Cotton Kandi Life | The Bipolar Mama | Simple Acres | Dawn P Darnell | A Kreative Whim | Scarlett Ballantyne | My Unfiltered Chaos | The Big Red Patch House | The Mother Blog | Diary of a New Mommy

10 thoughts on “Dear Working Mama

  1. I can relate on so many levels. I decided that in 2016 I was going to rise early to have that quiet time with God. By the time I wake up my 4 year old, I’m rushing and yelling and that wasn’t how I wanted to begin my day anymore. Spending time with God helps me have a more productive day.


    1. I’m right there with you. I notice a bolt difference in the days that begin with quiet time and those that don’t. I’m not the person, wife, or mom I want and know I can and should be.


    1. I have recently been using Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are by Shauna Niequist and really like it. Her reflections are usually just what I need. My only complaint is that sometimes the scripture used is slightly out of context from the pericope. I find that’s my complaint of most devotionals not written by Biblical scholar. That being said, I don’t hold my complaint against Shaunabut, because generally her scripture choices are good.


  2. I laughed when I read, “a mama paddling next to you” because it is sooo true! We’re all paddling up a stream and if we just link boats it could be so much better. Thank you for the reminders and inspirations.


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