Getting It All Done

No matter where we are on this parenting journey, we all have a story to tell and MANY things on our to do list. At some point we get asked the well meaning question of…

Usually we respond with what do you mean? This question may be asked because you’re a stay-at-home-mom, the mother of multiples, work away from the home, or have children close together in age. Honestly, I could rattle on the reasons they’re asking, but I’m sure you’ve been there. I guess folks want to understand how we manage all the things on our ever growing to-do lists? May be they want to know how we keep our house appearing clean? I’m not always sure what the it is, but the question is always asked. I also know that I have been guilty of asking that very question, and for that I’m sorry.

Depending on the day, my answer may vary. I think that I get asked the question because I work away from the home and we stay busy as a family. The fact that we’re on the go a bunch isn’t something I would necessarily change, but I know that it comes at a cost. If someone were to ask me this week, my answer would be that I just don’t and can’t do it all.

Over time I’ve developed a schedule for getting things done. At home, I alternate what gets cleaned, rather than give up an entire Saturday or Sunday for cleaning the house. And sometimes, I just don’t get some things clean because I’d rather have fun with my family than have a spotless house. Other days I go on a rampage to get it all done. Don’t get me wrong, I love for my house to be tidy and clean all the time, but who’s got time to spend all of it cleaning?!

Next time you’re asked how do you do it, just know whomever is asking thinks you have it all together. Little do they know, you’re hanging on by a thread. That some nights you’re leaving the dishes in the sink until the following night. That the floors haven’t been mopped in ages.  And you have no idea how you’re making it from one day to the next. Here’s to the easy days, the tough days,  and the days better than we could have imagined!


2 thoughts on “Getting It All Done

  1. Such a sweet post! I have been there completely. In fact, there are loads of laundry piled up from the past two weeks in my basement as we speak. Being a mother, especially a working mom or stay at home full time blogging mom, it can be so hard to find a balance. I like to take things day by day like you said. You put it perfectly, “Here’s to the easy days, the tough days, and the days better than we could have imagined!” Thank you for your honesty. I needed it today 🙂


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